Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A Few of Aerin's Favorite Things

Here are some of Aerin's favorites (and least favorites), just fyi:

Favorite Toy: books (she loves to turn pages and examine the pictures)
-runners-up include rings on a stick, pop-up activity center, and wooden turtle

Favorite Food: Cheerios

Favorite Dog: Marlowe

Favorite Word: Daddy

Favorite Activites: Feeding Marlowe her food, being held by Momma, crawling on Momma, watching Momma do things, playing with Momma

Least Favorite Activity: Baths

Least Favorite Food: Peas

Least Favorite Thing in the World: Being away from Momma

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

o my goodness, she is so cute and growing fast.
bless her heart.