Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I just wanted to let everyone know that Aerin didn't actually pull herself up in her crib (yet). She did keep her balance - for a very long time, actually. She's been pulling herself up into a standing position when she's on my lap, so I wanted to see if she could balance herself without me holding her. As you can see, she can. She is very proud of herself, as well she should be.

Aerin's laugh is developing. It started out as an evil little cackle, but now she'll do a delightful chortle when she's really happy. She loves it when I blow raspberries on her neck. The only problem is that she tries to turn her head to look at me and I have to stop because I don't want my germy mouth touching her face.

It looks like Aerin's eyes are going to stay light. They're a very unusual shade of blue, which pictures don't do justice - it's almost aquamarine. I wonder if they'll turn green like her mother's and grandnana's. Aerin's Grandnana is coming tomorrow and I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to it.

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