Thursday, October 05, 2006

Diagnosis: Surgery

We finally got to see the pediatric dermatologist today. We actually saw 3 and they all agreed that Aerin needs to have her hemangioma surgically removed sooner rather than later. We will be meeting with a plastic surgeon next week and she'll have the surgery at the end of this month or the beginning of November.

The doctors gave us a lot of excellent information and really took the time to explain everything. The hemangioma will never go away on its own. It will get less red, but the tumor tissue will be replaced by some kind of fatty tissue (I don't have my notes with me right now - I'll elaborate later). The scabs won't go away for years, either, and that's the main problem. The hemangioma doesn't hurt (the doctors all pushed on it and Aerin just stared at them), but the scabs hurt when they come off. We have to dress the scabs when Aerin wears clothes that cover her shoulder, which will be all the time once it gets cold. Some scabs always come off when we remove the dressing. There's also the risk of a secondary infection, which we take very seriously. As Aerin gets older and more mobile, it'll be harder to keep her in the germ-free cocoon we've created for her and the risk of infection will increase. And of course there's always the chance that we could have a repeat of Sunday's bloodbath. There just aren't any other options at this point. Steroids only work when the hemangioma is in a growth phase and we're long past that. Lasers might help with the scabbing, but there's a good chance that they won't and it's a painful process.

The surgery won't be as involved as I thought. Yes, the tumor has its own blood supply, but the veins are so small that they won't be a problem. If they weren't as tiny as they are, we wouldn't have been able to stop the bleeding just by applying pressure. We don't yet know if Aerin will need a skin graft. There might be another option, but it could involve more procedures. We'll find out we see the plastic surgeon.

I'm not taking this as well as I thought I would. I knew she'd need surgery, but I never thought it would be this soon. I'm a bit apprehensive about the anesthesia, but we're going to request an anesthesia consult before the surgery. I think it's just the idea of my baby being in pain for even a second that is just unbearable to me. I'll feel better when we know more.


Anonymous said...

God bless your baby and family.

Anne/kq said...

I'm very glad that Aerin is strong and healthy enough that they are recommending this minor surgery. I can't help but think of the alternative, if she wasn't healthy enough to risk removing it.

I understand that it must be stressful for you, though, and I'm sorry you have to go through all that worry. Our prayers and love are still with you.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad it can be taken care of. I completely understand you being worried. Aerin's so lucky to have you. *hugs*