Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Sweet 16

Aerin is doing quite well. She was downgraded to the Vapotherm from the CPAP. All of her stats are good and she's only requiring 25% oxygen. To give you an idea of how good that is - you and I breathe 21% oxygen (referred to as "room air").

She is up to 11 cc's with her feedings and is digesting everything like a champ. She's still on the biliblanket, but she may go off it when she finishes her antibiotics.

She was very stimulated yesterday, so much so that I wasn't allowed to talk to her or keep her isolette cover open. She got a bed bath and had 2 diaper and bed changes in 3 hours. That is much, much more stimulation than a preemie her age normally gets. It had to be done, but it took her a long time to go back to sleep. Over-stimulation (from light, sound, and too much touching) can be harmful to preemies and needs to be avoided. Usually, when Aerin hears my voice, she calms down. Yesterday, she heard me and got very excited (all her numbers went up, which is not dangerous, but not helpful, either). She had her eyes wide open for almost the entire time I was there. She loves to look around, even though she can only see shadows at this point. She finally closed her eyes and drifted off when I left. She's been sleeping today, which is great. She's got to get plenty of rest so that she can get to 2 pounds this week.


Anonymous said...

It is so encouraging to check in here each day and read how well Aerin is doing! She (and you) continues to have my prayers to continue progressing so well. I'm sure you are anxious for the day you can finally take her home.

Tracy (Farmgirl)

gojirama said...

It is wonderful that she's getting so close to room air.

It must thrill you to know she is recognizing your voice. She loves her mama!


Anonymous said...

I know they know best and all, and I wouldn't want to harm her, of course. But I had days when I was pregnant-- about that gestational age-- when my daughter seemed overstimulated herself! She wouldn't stop thrashing around, and did backflips for hours on end. I'd have to eat bland foods and keep in quiet places to get her to stop. :) Isn't it nice to know that she's doing what she would be (although again, I'm glad they know what to do to calm her down!) -Anne/kq

P.S.-- I hope that wasn't insensitive or anything... I just wanted you to know that you get to go through the same things as some other mommies with strong babies.