Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Day 106

Aerin had a fussy day. She hadn't pooped in approximately 36 hours, which would make anyone fussy. The doctor said that as long as she was wetting and her appetite was okay, she can go for 2 days without pooping before we have to worry. Of course I worried anyway, but her appetite actually increased and her wetting was normal. She ate 100 cc's at one feeding today and finally pooped twice this evening. She weighs 7 pounds now!

She's been home for almost 2 weeks now and we haven't had any alarms at all, which is awesome. As Aerin gets healthier and bigger, she gets more amazing. She can almost turn herself over from her tummy to her side. She's figured out how to suck her thumb, but it's too tiny to be satisfying, so she prefers her WubbaNub.


Anonymous said...

We are all so happy you are at last getting the chance to enjoy your daughter. It will only get better. She is amazing.
Alan A.

Anonymous said...

At least a pound of that was probably the poop.....

j/k (I think). :D

Anonymous said...

Hey, I pooped on that schedule-- two days off, a half day of screaming, a poop-- my entire early childhood (after that I learned to do without the screaming, and eventually to eat more fiber!) As long as she's eating and wetting, you know she just uses it differently than some. But it can make for one uncomfortable kiddo. Hope she doesn't make this a habit!

