Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Day 22: Shana Tova

Aerin had a great Rosh Hashanah. She's getting 24 extra calories with her feedings. The doctors don't want to give her any more than 20 cc's of milk because she's so small, but they want her to gain even more weight. She was 2 pounds, 3 ounces as of yesterday (she hasn't been weighed yet today). Her sodium is low again, so they're giving her another supplement. She got a head ultrasound yesterday and it was completely normal. She'll get them every two weeks or so, which is routine for preemies.

Happy 5766!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My goodness! Compared to pictures from earlier, she is looking positively FAT!!! Good for her! No failure to thrive here, you can tell she's getting all the love and attention she can possibly handle!

Love to all of you,


gojirama said...

Happy New Year, dear Ladybug! I see such a difference in her. :)

Oh, and I can't believe you are mailing thank you cards already, mama!

Anonymous said...

Lynne send love and wishes for a happy, healthy new year. Glad all of you are doing so well.