Monday, October 03, 2005

Three Weeks Old!

Aerin is 3 weeks old today. She is doing so well that the doctors have decided to reduce her treatments again. Instead of the Aminophylline, she'll be on caffine to prevent apneas. They tried her on the nasal cannula, but she didn't like it, so she went back on the Vapotherm. I knew she wasn't ready for the cannula. Her sodium is low, so they're giving her supplements. They don't want to bump up her feedings any more, because she's getting so much for such a tiny baby, so they're going to put caloric supplements in the milk so she'll gain weight at a good pace.

She was loving her binky today - she sucked on it for about an hour during a feeding. She'll be ready when it's time to nurse in about 5 weeks.

Her nurse today was Sarah, who was at her birth and hasn't seen her since. She was amazed at how well Aerin is doing - it's truly wondrous that she's only on a Vapotherm and that she's eating 20 cc's.


tortaluga said...

go aerin go!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness, she is just a GOOD eater, isn't she? And quite the sucker. ;)

There's a lot of things worse than a nice strong sucking instinct.

Remember that when she refuses to wean and pulls your shirt up in public. :p

(I've got some tips to deal with that when the time comes. But seriously, I'm sure you would rather she do that than refuse to eat!)
