Friday, November 04, 2005

Day 53: Big Baby Steps

It's not every day that the NICU doctor gets on the phone with you just to say how happy he is with your baby's progress! Dr. Falterman said that Aerin is now a PCN candidate. It's now just a matter of securing a crib for her up there.

"What's that? a crib?" you ask. Yes, she should come out of the isolette any day now. She's about ready, but she's been weathering so many changes recently that something just has to wait. She's been weaning down to room air on the cannula (most of the time). She's gone up to 32 ccs per feeding, and she now gets two bottles per day (soon to be three). Her feedings have been sped up to 30 minutes; it wasn't too long ago that her feedings lasted 90 minutes.

Finally, she gained weight yet again, tipping the scale this evening at 3 lbs. 10.2 oz.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, she is quite an amazing girl. :D I can't wait until she makes it to the PCN. I have never had a moment of doubt that she was going to.
