Monday, November 21, 2005

Day 70: What Time is Check-Out?

Kira is rooming in again tonight, and we are expecting Aerin to be discharged tomorrow. Fortunately UPS is delivering the car seat/stroller set tomorrow, and it will be put to use immediately. Well, once Aerin's home, she's probably not going anywhere before her first appointment with the pediatrician. Everything else is ready; the house is spotless, thanks to Kira and my mom (no thanks to Reggie and Marlowe).

Tomorrow will be the 100th, and hopefully the last, day in a row I've been to the hospital, but there's no comparison to what Kira and Aerin have been through.


Anonymous said...

Tomorrow! I can't believe it's tomorrow! I sure hope UPS gets it there on time. :) I'm sure you will have the best Thanksgiving ever!

Tomorrow! Yay!


Anonymous said...

(Oh, have you gotten the package we sent? Just want to make sure, our P.O. has a problem with losing things... You can e-mail me at ketchupqueen AT sbcglobal DOT net if you get a chance. But please don't stress over it!!! :) )


Anonymous said...

Everyone is sending all their prayers, good wishes and positive thoughts to Aerin and her family.
It is truly a red letter day for all who love her and followed her progress from the moment of her birth.
THat child is truly a blessing.