Thursday, November 17, 2005

Day 65

Aerin had a so-so day. Dr. Rose changed her feeding schedule - she now gets 2 out of 3 feeds from a bottle or breast. I'm allowed to nurse her 3 times each day, starting tomorrow. We nursed twice today. The first time, 5:00 p.m., did not go well. Aerin was extremely fussy and only did about 10 minutes (she got 18 cc's through her tube). She was having gas and reflux at the same time, which would make anyone upset. I had asked Dr. Rose if we could try Mylicon for the gas and she had approved it. It arrived from the pharmacy just as Aerin was at her fussiest. Aerin's nurse, Gina, gave her the drops, unhooked her from the monitors, and let me walk around the PCN with her. I don't know if it was the Mylicon or the walking, but Aerin calmed down instantly. It was as if someone had thrown a switch.

The next breastfeeding session was much better. Beth, my lactation consultant (and a NICU nurse), was there and I guess Aerin wanted to put on a good show for her. She fussed a little at first, but then settled down and nursed for 25 minutes. I gave her a bottle afterwards and she didn't drink any of it. That is going to be the new policy - offer a bottle after breastfeeding. Since overfeeding can aggravate reflux, the doctors want to let Aerin decide if she's still hungry after breastfeeding.

We were startled to find out today that we might be able to take Aerin home in less than 2 weeks. She'll probably move to all bottle or breast feeds in the next 4 days and that's her only issue. She might be held back because she sometimes needs oxygen during bottle feeds. It's delivered through "blow-by" - we just hold the oxygen tube near her nose while she eats. It is, as always, up to her. Andrew and I will be taking infant CPR, which I highly recommend for the parents of all babies - preemie or term. We've passed almost everything else on the discharge checklist (diapering, bath, etc.). Aside from CPR, we just have to bring our car seat in for inspection. It is due to arrive on Tuesday, so we'll take care of that.

I'm still reeling from the thought of her coming home so soon. It's something I wouldn't let myself think about for so long and now it's so close.


gojirama said...

You are just glowing! What wonderful news, that Aerin may be home so soon. I'm so very happy for you all.


Anonymous said...

Oh, wow! Good news!

And I'm glad the Mylicon helped; it didn't much help Ems, and it was so sad to see her gassy and fussy. :( You know they sell the same exact thing in generic brands, for about 1/4 the price, right? Anyway, glad it works for Aerin, and that she'll be home soon!


Anonymous said...

You and Aerin look just beautiful. The news could not be more exciting. We are all thrilled to know you will soon be together at home.
Well done Aerin,

Carole and Dan